Aptavani-1 Aptavani-1 | Page 48

Aptavani-1 23 and effect , effect and cause continues .
There cannot be an effect without a cause and where there is an effect there has to be a prior cause . Our present body is the effect of the causes of our past life . At birth one is born with both the gross body and the subtle body . But then the ‘ effects ’ of this body produces new causes through raag ( attachment ) and dwesh ( abhorrence ) and these are the seeds ( of cause ) for its next life . Upon death , the Atma ( Soul ) along with the causal body ( karan sharira ) and the subtle body ( sookshama sharira ) departs , leaving behind the physical body . At that same moment the causal body finds another effective body .
If there were no such thing as rebirth and if God had created every one , then we would all be of the same mould and identical . We would not have short and tall , thin and fat , black and white , rich and poor beings . The differences you see are results of different effects of the causes from past life . Everyone has different causes and hence different effects . If there is no rebirth , then show me even single evidence that proves it . What do English-speaking people mean when they say lucky and unlucky ? Even the Muslims use words like takdir ( good luck ) and tadbir ( bad luck ). What does it signify ? Their language is complete but their beliefs are not . These words are meaningful only in regards to rebirth .
As are the causes , so are the effects . Good causes produce good effects and bad causes produce bad effects . One cannot be free from these effects until the causes stop . Causes will not stop as long as long as ‘ I am Chandubhai ’ is engrained in your belief and your knowledge . They will only stop when a Gnani awakens you and makes you realize your true Self . I destroy your causal body leaving you to take care of ‘ Chandulal ’ s ’ effects and while doing this , there will be no attachment or