this whole world. However, I told him, that by the time we land
at Santa Cruz Airport in one hour, he would become a believer
of reincarnation. I explained reincarnation to him and he
understood everything. By the time we landed he kept saying
‘Jai Sacchidanand, Jai Sacchidanand’. He even forgot about his
wife. He took some photographs of me and went his way.
Mind, Body and Speech are All Effective
The mind, body and speech are effective. They are effective
at birth. They are even effective in the womb. How are they
effective? If someone were to insult you in the morning, even at
nighttime you will not be able to sleep because of the effect on
you. The effect of speech is obvious. If you were to curse
someone, that person would react immediately. And lastly, this
body too is effective. It feels cold when it gets cold and hot
when it gets hot. It is effective from birth. A new born baby will
cry if it is cold and when you wrap it up in a blanket, it will stop.
If you put something sweet in its mouth, the baby will start
licking its lips and will grimace if you put something bitter in its
mouth. These are all simply effects. Even in the womb the baby
is effective. I have personally witnessed this.
This took place about fifty years ago (in the nineteen
twenties) in my village of Bhadaran. A cow attacked a lady
who was eight-months pregnant, piercing her uterus with its
horn. One of the fingers of the baby came out through the
wound. It became a challenge for even the missionary doctors
and the mother’s condition was getting serious. An eighty-year-
old lady heard about this. She came and asked everyone to
step aside, sit and pray and give her room. She heated a needle
and touched the baby’s finger with it; the baby immediately
pulled in the finger. The baby felt the effect.
If there is an effect, there has to be a cause. And if there
is a cause, there will be an effect. This way the cycle of cause