if he knows and understands that the servant did not break the
cup and that it was vyavasthit, then would he do anything?
Would he not remain absolutely unaffected? In reality the poor
servant is merely a nimit (instrumental in the process), and yet
these wealthy people assault their servants. You should never
attack a nimit; if you do, you are extremely foolish because you
do great harm to yourself. Instead why not find the root cause
behind it and then you will find your solution.
When I was young, I used to play a lot of pranks on
people. There was a wealthy businessman who used to play
with his puppy in his lap. I used to sneak in from behind and
squeeze the puppy’s tail. The dog could only see his own master
in front of him and so he would bite his owner. The owner
would yell back at the dog. This is what I call attacking the
instrument (nimit).
The Self And The Non-self
Are you convinced that there is a soul in your body?
Questioner : Yes I am.
Dadashri : In what form is this soul? Is it in the form of
a mixture or in the form of a compound?
Questioner : A compound.
Dadashri : If it were in a compound form, it would give
rise to a third substance with completely new properties. Then
the soul and the non-self would lose their innate properties and
neither could be separated and reverted back to their intrinsic
properties. Let me explain this fact to you. The soul and the
non-self are in a mixture form, with each maintaining its own
intrinsic properties and that is why it is possible to separate the
two. If copper, brass and silver were mixed with gold, a scientist
would be able to separate each metal based on its properties.