Aptavani-1 Aptavani-1 | Page 43

18 Aptavani-1 Non-contradictory Dependence You cannot just sit around claiming that everything is destined (prarabdha). If you do, then you become completely idle. The mind will become restless with such a dependency. If this dependency on destiny is correct, then you should not have any worries, but in fact you are a factory of worries. Therefore even that dependency is lame. It is not real. It is not scientific. People in India are miserable and suffer because they have been given the support of such a dependency. That is why their progress is obstructed. My search, over a million life times, has brought me to the scientific fact that both destiny and independent effort are lame supports. The only real support is vyavasthit. What is vyavasthit? It is that which happens only through scientific circumstantial evidences. That is called vyavasthit. The knowledge of vyavasthit renders total satisfaction in every situation. I will give you a simple example. If this glass in your hand begins to slip out of your hand and you make every effort to save it and it still breaks. Who broke the glass? You had no intention of breaking it; on the contrary you made all efforts to save it. Then, did the glass wish to break? No, that cannot be so. No one else was present to break it either, so who broke it? It was Vyavasthit; vyavasthit works under exact principles of natural laws. It is not haphazard. If the glass were not to break according to the principles of vyavasthit, then how would these glass factories remain in business? Vyavasthit has to look at your interest and also the interest of the glass factory and the livelihood of thousands of its workers. Therefore the glass will break according to this law and no one will be able to prevent it from breaking. So many foolish people get agitated and restless when things break. If a servant is serving tea to some guests and breaks a cup, his master becomes furious from within. All he can think of is how he will slap the servant a few times as soon as his guests leave. And some people even do this. But