one acquires the state of abuddha (no intellect), there awaits the
state of Omniscience with open arms. I am without intellect and
I am omniscient.
Worldly Relationships
Is your relationship with your father, mother and wife
Questioner : Of course it is real.
Dadashri : Then as a rule, should your father die; you
should die along with him. Now how many people would do
that? There exists a relation between father-mother, brother-
sister, wife-children, but it is not real. It is only a relative
relationship. If it were real, it could never be destroyed. If a son
were to tell his father, ‘You are an idiot’, their relationship would
end. His father would disown him and tell him that he does not
want to see his face for as long as he lives. You even believe
your wife to be yours, but what if she divorces you some day?
This is what the world is like. All these are temporary
adjustments. Even your own body is not yours; it too will let
you down some day. If you decide to do samayik (introspection),
your head may start aching or you may have a stomachache
and you will not be able to do the samayik. You (the real Self)
are permanent and everything else is temporary so how can
there be a resolution between the two? That is why the world
is trapped in such a state of confusion. As far as relatives are
concerned, you should act according to your relationship with
them. You should not be rigid or adamant about right and wrong
if you are to sustain that relationship. Rigidity will destroy the
relationship. When the other person is trying to destroy the
relation, you should mend it if you want to maintain that
relationship. These are all temporary relations. For example if
your wife says, ‘Tonight there is a full moon’ and you say, ‘No,
it is a moonless night’, then the bickering will start and it will last