nimit (instrument) for ruling the kingdom and if he were to forego
his duties, there would be utter chaos. He told King Bharat that
he would bestow upon him such a Gnan that none of his queens
or his kingdom or the wars would hinder his spiritual progress
towards liberation. This Akram Gnan is the very same Gnan,
which I give you now, in just one hour. King Bharat however,
had servants who would warn him every fifteen minutes to
maintain awareness of the Gnan by saying, ‘Bharat beware,
beware, beware! But in this kaliyug (current fifth era of the six
part half time cycle), where one is barely able to make ends
meet, so how can one employ someone to do the same for
him? That is why I place such awareness within you that it will
warn you every moment of the day.
Such an awe-inspiring Gnan has never been seen or heard
of before in any era. It is the eleventh wonder of the current
time cycle.
What is commonsense and how do you define it?
Commonsense means that which is applicable everywhere,
theoretically as well as practically.
Commonsense is very important. It becomes applicable
wherever it is needed. I have one hundred percent commonsense.
You do not have even one percent commonsense. Commonsense
is to disentangle a piece of thread which has become entangled,
without breaking it. Common sense is when you can resolve a
problem without causing any harm or damage. People instead,
in their attempt to solve one problem create five more. How
can they claim to have commonsense? The greatest of scholars
have education but lack commonsense. The Gnani is without
buddhi (intellect). I have no intellect whatsoever. Actually my
intellect is fully developed but in the presence of the light of my
Gnan, it is rendered powerless and remains in one corner. As