God. We are all ‘numbers’ and God is within each one of us,
in an indivisible form.
The speech that emanates from me shatters the veils of
ignorance covering you and the enlightenment from within helps
you understand what I am saying. Otherwise you do not have
the capability to understand even a word I utter. Your intellect
(buddhi) will not work here. Some people are recognized as
intellectuals, but this belief is wrong. I am without intellect
(abuddha). I do not have any intellect. What is intellect? What
is Gnan? The knowledge of all subjects of the world falls in the
domain of the intellect and the knowledge of ‘Who am I?’ is
Gnan. Intellect is knowledge through the medium of the ego and
Gnan is knowledge without the ego. Knowledge of the Self is
real knowledge.
How can one remove conflicts and difference of opinion?
How should one live life? Even when one has all the wealth and
comforts, one still has conflicts, which create endless miseries.
Relative Religion And Real Religion
A circle has 360 degrees. Christians, Parsis, Muslims,
Hindus etc., all have different viewpoints. One is sitting at 80
degrees, one at 120 degrees, and one at 220 degrees. Everyone
sees through his or her own perspective and viewpoint. I am
sitting in the center, having completed 360 degrees, as a fully
enlightened being. A Gnani Purush, sitting in the center, can see
and know things exactly as they are and can impart that
knowledge to others exactly as it is. All religions are correct but
they are relative religions. They are religions of viewpoints. But
if one wants to know the facts, then he will have to come to the
center. Only in the center will one find the Real religion (religion
of the Soul). Only the one in the center that can see all points
of view and therefore is without any prejudice or bias towards
any religion. That is why I say that I am Lord Mahavir of the