Aptavani-1 Aptavani-1 | Page 30

Aptavani-1 5 by living in this world as well as living outside it. The ones who can solve this puzzle are granted the degree of the Supreme Soul (parmatma). And those who cannot, have become dissolved within this puzzle. I have solved this puzzle and acquired the status of the Supreme Soul. I see both the animate (chetan – soul) and the inanimate (achetan – matter) as separate. Those who cannot see the two as separate are dissolved within the puzzle. God is not the creator, never was, and never will be. What does it mean to be a creator? Creator means a potter. It means that God has to labor. Is God a laborer? When even the wealthy factory owners of Ahemedabad do not toil and yet enjoy the benefits of their factories in operation, then how can God be toiling as a laborer? To toil is to be a laborer. God is not like that. And if God were the creator, then everyone would look the same. Just like the impressions from a mold. But it is not so. Furthermore we say that God is impartial, then why does one person sleep on the pavement from the day he is born and another in a palace? I can give you the answer in just one sentence as to how everything works in this world. You can find the details yourself. This world is run solely by scientific circumstantial evidences. There is no one up there who has the time to run all this. I refer to these scientific circumstantial evidences as vyavasthit shakti. It keeps everything and everyone organized. Do you wake up in the morning or are you awakened? Questioner : I am the one who wakes up. Dadashri : Are you sometimes unable to fall asleep even when you want to? And when you have to get up at four in the morning, why do you set the alarm? If you decide, before you go to sleep, that you want to wake up at four in the morning,