4 Aptavani-1
world ? Did he have any unmarried children he needed to marry ? Where does God live ? What is his address ? Is there such a thing as liberation , moksha ?
Questioner : Of course there is liberation .
Dadashri : If God is the creator of this world and if there is such a thing as liberation , then there is an absolute contradiction here .
Questioner : Dada , how is that a contradiction ?
Dadashri : If God is the superior over you and he was to grant you liberation , then you would have to do whatever he tells you . That means that he can dictate what you do . So how can you call that liberation ? Liberation means complete freedom ; no superior over you and no subordinate under you .
The World Is The Puzzle Itself …
The Christians , the Muslims , the Hindus , say that God created this world . They are correct by their viewpoints , but according to facts , they are incorrect . If you want to know the facts , I can give them to you .
Real knowledge ( Gnan ) accepts and incorporates the entire 360 ° ( of viewpoints ). I too accept the 360 ° and that is why I am a Gnani . Those who accept all points of views are considered Gnanis ( the Enlightened ones , Self-realized beings ). I am sitting in the center and that is why I am able to show you the facts . By fact God is not at all the creator of this world . This world has not been created by anyone . So how did it come into existence ? “ The world is the puzzle itself .” We call it a puzzle because it has become puzzlesome . The world has formed itself . I have seen this in my Gnan ( absolute knowledge , absolute vision and absolute experience ). There is not a single atom in this world that I have not traversed through . I am telling you this