APrIR Newsletters: 2016 and back 5/13 Dec 2013 | Seite 9

9 Note: If you are an APrIR member and you are presenting at any event or organising a special activity, please keep us posted by filling in this form: http://tinyurl.com/aprir-member-news We will be delighted to share the information in our Newsletter. Don’t be shy! We can only publish the information that is forwarded to us, and with such talented members we are sure we are omitting many of your achievements Annual Fee Remember the deadline for the annual fee was November 30th. Don’t delay to avoid late payment penalties. Fee $290 - Retired members $200 Payment methods: a) On-line transfer or bank deposit: Please, make sure you email us a copy of the transfer slip if you choose this option. Banco Nación Suc. 3020- Rosario CBU Nº 0110444240044427146462 Cuenta Corriente Especial Nº de cuenta: 444271464/6 Asociación de Profesores de Inglés de Rosario CUIT: 30-68050210-9 b) Eventioz: From this link https://eventioz.com.ar/events/cuota-societaria-2013aprir/ you can print your own slip to pay via Rapipago and Pagofácil, or pay through Pagomiscuentas or credit card. There is a system surcharge for this option Remember that house collection can only be implemented in special circumstances following your request. Office closed Please note our office is now closed until March 1st. Do email us with your news and queries until then.