APrIR Newsletters: 2016 and back 5/13 Dec 2013 | Page 8
Award-giving at IES Nº 28 “O. Cossettini” and ISP Nº 16 “B. Houssay”
As every year, APrIR awarded a medal and membership for 2014 to graduates who achieved
the highest total average in their teaching education programme. This year, the awards were
received by:
IES Nº 28 “Olga Cossettini”
Prof. de Inglés, Nivel Inicial y Primario: Abi BUTTIGLIERO
Prof. de Inglés, Nivel Secundario: María Julia RÍOS
ISP Nº 16 “Bernardo Houssay”
Prof. de Inglés, Nivel Secundario: Analía GIULIETTI
Sad news
October saw the passing away of two distinguished members of the profession, who
devoted their lives to the education of teachers-to-be.
Prof. Nelly Shakespear studied and started her career in Rosario, later
to move to Buenos Aires, where she specialised in Language and
Literature and was APIBA President (1978-1980). For many years she
organised a renowned Literature Summer School in Los Cocos. We fondly
remember her visit a few years ago, in the event of the publication of
her book Moments, Moods, Memories - A Thematic Study in English and
American Poetry http://tinyurl.com/qfzw243 . APIBA remembers her
in http://www.apiba.org.ar/blog/blog-2/item/600-condolencias-prof-nelly-shakespear
Prof. Delia Redoano, Honorary Member of APrIR, was one of the
Founding Teachers who came from Buenos Aires in the 1930’s to start the
programme of Profesorado en Inglés, never to leave until her retirement. On
occasion of her 100th birthday in January 2012 we celebrated it by
sending her some presents and letters from former students. We remember
her in http://www.aprir.org.ar/anuncios/inmemoriamdeliaredoano
News from our members
Patricia Zorio has now completed her studies and has been conferred
the following certification: COACH ONTOLÓGICA Y ORGANIZACIONAL
Mariel Amez has been awarded the Latin American Scholarship by
IATEFL to participate in the IATEFL 2014 Annual Conference to be held in
Harrogate (U.K.) in April 2014. In addition, she will be presenting the paper
Literature and learning technologies: an experience in pre-service
teacher education http://www.iatefl.org/harrogate-2014/harrogate-2014