APrIR Newsletters: 2016 and back 4/2013 Sept 2013 | Page 2
factores exógenos beneficiosos y adversos: el uno está atado al tipo de
semilla, las variaciones climáticas, las plagas, la competencia local e
internacional; el otro está determinado por las políticas educativas, las
currículas, los contenidos mínimos a enseñar, los enfoques y métodos
imperantes, las comunidades educativas en las que ejerzan su labor, las
actitudes de las familias de los alumnos, la televisión, la computadora.
En medio de estos torbellinos, el agricultor y el docente realizan quizás
los dos más grandes actos de optimismo: que la tierra dé su fruto y que los alumnos se
Silvia Arberas
APrIR’s anniversary
On April 4th. APrIR turned 37. Founded by a group of
lecturers who encouraged graduates to join in, very soon
the Association developed into a growing body of teachers
who shared interests and expertise with fellow-colleagues.
Some of the present-day members tell their personal
stories of how, on having passed their last final, they
approached the EC of the time to apply for membership.
They also recall the many Saturday mornings they spent in
school main halls attending talks by educational specialists.
No certification was essential in some cases, the purpose of
attending merely being the acquisition of knowledge.
Thirty seven years later… how many of our colleagues are still keen on continuous
permanent development? Who of us find a reason for listening to speakers and picking up
some new ideas or confirming that we are doing a good job? And even more so, how many or how few - of our colleagues are willing to stand before an audience and share their
findings, their ideas or their useful tips with us?
APrIR remains sound after almost four decades of steadfast efforts to encourage colleagues
to partake of activities. Its present-day EC will always welcome its members’ contributions,
papers, lectures and even suggestions for satisfying their needs and wishes. After all, APrIR
is an association of teachers, by teachers and FOR teachers, and as such, we should all
Due to matters of public concern which have distressed us all as well as some personal
issues of the EC members, the celebration of APrIR’s Anniversary and Teacher’s Day has
been deferred till a date in the near future. You will soon hear from us and receive the
formal invitation.