Asociación de Profesores
de Inglés de Rosario
2013 – Newsletter 4
Dear Member,
We take pleasure in greeting you again through this newsletter. You may have noticed that
we kept silent for some time due to innumerable personal issues each of us had to tackle.
You are already familiar with the fact that we juggle APrIR’s tasks together with our own
professional and personal responsibilities.
At the same time, we have avoided cramming your email accounts with too many messages
as everyone seems to be rather too busy lately.
By now you must already have received our Teacher’s Day
virtual greeting. We hope you had a great day and were able to
share the celebration with your colleagues and students.
We would like to share with you some words that one of our
colleagues and members wrote to mark the occasion.
La tarea del docente es equiparable a la del agricultor. Así como el
agricultor tiene su extensión de tierra, el docente tiene a sus
alumnos. En ambos casos, el objetivo a lograr es a largo plazo pero el
trabajo es diario y arduo – un eterno presente en pos de un proyecto.
El agricultor debe ajustar sus técnicas al tipo de tierra que tenga que
trabajar. De la misma forma, el docente debe adecuar su práctica al
bagaje singular que trae cada uno de sus alumnos. Agricultor y
docente dependen no sólo de su ‘materia prima’ sino también de