Anniversary Party On September 23rd we hosted a party to celebrate APrIR
’ s 40th anniversary at
Asociación Católica San Patricio
. In addition to members and friends we were honoured to welcome a number of guests : Carlos Hoyle ( UK Honorary Consul ), Dr . Patricio Sullivan ( St Patrick ’ s Association President ), Emilio Mahon ( St Patrick ’ s Culture Committee
Chairman ), Lic . Fernanda Foresi ( IES “ O . Cossettini Head ). Some representatives from other institutions close to APrIR were unable to attend , for example FAAPI President Cristina Mayol , who sent an affectionate letter .
The highlight of the evening was a tribute to the members of the Organising Committee and the First Executive Committee , many of whom were present : Mary Calvo de de la Vega , Nora Séculi , , Nélida Orobitg and Graciela Shakespear , as well as two who are currently EC members again , President María del Carmen Bonilla and Treasurer María del Carmen Fernández Beitía . They brought back warm memories of the late Arlette Battier de Imbert , first President .
Apart from the delicious food and drinks we shared live music from Anam Keltoi , and a surprise song composed and performed by
Alejandra Garré and Sandra Moretti , based on fun facts and anecdotes . Everyone present received a commemorative gift and the candles on the birthday cake were blown by all the past Presidents .