APrIR Newsletters: 2016 and back 2016 (2) | Page 7
News from our members
Sabina García Fuentes presented her book El mundo obedece a leyes que no dominamos at
Club Español on July 26th. The event was organised by Asociación Literaria “Nosotras”.
Congratulations to our colleague!
Mónica Pérez (APrIR EC member) gave the talk "Pronunciation Teaching Revisited" for
Rosario Examinations Centre on May 21st. This presentation aimed to review some key factors that
are detrimental to learners´ speaking skills and to suggest activities which make EFL pronunciation
instruction effective. On June 9th she was invited by the British Consulate in Rosario and Fundación
Churchill to deliver the lecture “William Shakespeare: su vigencia 400 años después de su muerte”,
in which the topics covered were illustrated with readings of excerpts from some of his plays in
Spanish and English.
Edita Saluzzo has been invited to present on Contextualised Materials Development at V
Congreso Internacional sobre Lenguas y Dinámicas Identitarias: Interculturalidad y Plurilingüismo en
el Bicentenario de la Independencia Argentina, to be held in Resistencia, Chaco on September 22nd
and 23rd.
María Cristina Thomson, born a “rosarina” but living in Buenos Aires, past FAAPI President
and permanent contributor to professional development activities organised by APrIR has also
published a book, illustrated by her late husband Alfredo Grondona White and called Sobre Líneas.
The book launch was held in Rosario on July 29th. Congratulations to Cristina as well.
Rita Zeinstejer has continued to offer her signature live webinars for SBS, to the delight of all
participants. The latest topics have included Twitter (June 24th) and Infographics (August 19th).
Note: If you are an APrIR member and you are presenting at any event or organizing a special
activity, please keep us posted by filling in this form: http://tinyurl.com/aprir‐member‐news
We will be delighted to share the information in our Newsletter. Don’t be shy! We can only publish
the information that is forwarded to us, and with such talented members we are sure we are
omitting many of your achievements
Annual Fee
As from April 1st. the fee has been set at $650 for practising members
and $425 for retired members. It can also be paid in two instalments:
$400 until June 30th and $300 until November 30th. Full cancellation
will be required to be eligible for discount at the FAAPI Conference.