APrIR Newsletters: 2016 and back 2016 (1) | Page 3

3 Office now open ARCI, Buenos Aires 1174 As announced last year, our office has moved to new premises and is now open in ARCI’s library. Once again we would like to thank ARCI’s EC and its Director of Studies Analía Dobboletta for their generosity in granting us this space. Ms Laura Raimondi, newly appointed Secretary, will welcome our members and collect fees, lend books from APrIR’s library and clear doubts and queries about new membership on Wednesdays from 5 to 7 pm and Fridays from 10 am to 12 pm. Meet Laura at work! Special request: Due to requirements from Inspección General de Personas Jurídicas de la Provincia de Santa Fe all members are required to sign a Members Log. Those present at our 2016 activities have already done so, but if you haven’t, please drop by the office, get to know the premises, meet Laura and sign the log asap! Shakepeare Lives! As you are probably aware the whole world is celebrating Shakespeare’s immortality 400 words after his death. You can watch videos galore and listen to radio programmes from the dedicated BBC/ British Council site http://www.bbc.co.uk/events/ehw2mb/live/c96v4f , for example. We also invite you to check out the websites and Facebook pages of Fundación Shakespeare Argentina http://shakespeareargentina.org/fsa-shakespeare-400/ and Festival Shakespeare Buenos Aires http://www.festivalshakespeare.com.ar/group-list/online-2016/. The FAAPI Conference organised by ASJPI will provide an opportunity to honour his work and APrIR is joining in the celebrations, too. In June we will be offering a presentation by Inés Regueira, MA, who has recently published La luminosa dama oscura. Teaching Shakespeare Using the Linguistics Toolbox Shakespeare´s texts have been widely read, taught and explained but they always inspire certain awe and respect that make some of us refrain from choosing them for our literature classes. The proposal that we put forward here is to construct meaning together with our students by reading these wonderful plays and poems through a linguistics lens, thus disclosing the hidden messages we can corroborate thanks to our toolbox. In October, Prof. Mónica 0