APrIR Newsletters: 2016 and back 2016 (1) | Page 2

2 Treasurer: María del Carmen Fernández Beitía Under Treasurer: Carina Strappa Members: Marta Masía - Verónica de la Encina - Beatriz Solina - Mónica Pérez - Ana Laura Martínez - Valquiria Fazzi Trustees: Graciela Castelli - Julieta de Zavalía The new committee elected during the AGM is already in full swing, invested to achieve the objectives set in the Association’s Statutes, and will be happy to listen to your suggestions to better the profession. Let us summarise the events which took place in the first months of 2016 and tell you about projects for the near future. APrIR’s Annual General Meeting APrIR’s Annual General Meeting (Asamblea Anual Ordinaria) was held on April 9th at 8.30 am at Asociación Rosarina de Cultura Inglesa (ARCI), Buenos Aires 1174. After the confirmation of minutes of the previous AGM, APrIR President Prof. María del Carmen Fernández Beitía presented the Annual Report, and Treasurer Prof. Marta Masía submitted her report and the audited Financial Statement. Both were approved unanimously by the members present, who then went on to appoint the new Executive Committee. Note: The Annual Report will be available from our website shortly.