Owner’s Corner
Instructor Program: Our instructor
team has training twice per month
to work hard on honing in their
teaching skills. They also have the
opportunity to go through three
hour training seminars offered 3
times per year, and 2 five hour
instructor bootcamps annually as
well. Our studio has about 50 instructors actively training.
Hyper Martial Arts: Hyper is the
only outside program that we
currently offer. We use this for
camps, seminars, demo team, etc.,
and is a great addition to our core
is supported by your mission, and
you intentionally design your model
to reflect both of them, then you
plug in only the programs that make
the cut, then you will see a healthy
environment in your studio. You
may have to fight the temptation to
yell at a student who is running in
late. You may have to take a deep
breath before calmly and respectfully talking to a client who doesn’t
like something about your school.
You may even have to let a student
test for their next rank even though
they are a few lessons short of the
I will leave you with some really
hard and even slightly stressful
That’s it! Ultimate Leadership Mar- questions for you to sit down and
tial Arts Headquarters has about
answer. Before I do, I want to thank
350 actively training members as of you and applaud your efforts to
when this was written. All of those improve as a martial artist, an inmembers, train, test, and take part structor, and also as a business perin other events extremely consisson. My contact information is at
tently. Not only that, but we are
the bottom of the article. Feel free
able to keep our focus on the main to reach out if you have any comthing, and that is our vision of hav- ments, or if you would like more
ing 200 actively training black belt
clarity on any of the information I
have laid out.
Hard Questions:
So, if you start at your vision, which -What programs are we promot58
Dojo Digest • April 2014