Finding the Best
Fitness Kickboxing
By Melodee Meyer
ou like the idea of having a
fitness kickboxing program at
your school but who’s going
to teach it? You’re already working
too many hours on the floor and,
let’s face it, you don’t look good in
trained other martial arts
instructors to teach classes at your
school, we can talk about adding a
fitness class.
If you have hired and trained
martial arts instructors at your
school, you know that just
First things first. Have you ever
because someone is a black belt
successfully hired and trained a
or a champion fighter or a great
martial arts instructor for your
technician, it doesn’t mean that
school? If not, then stop reading
they are necessarily a great teacher.
this article!!! DO NOT start a Fitness Well, it’s the same thing in fitness
Kickboxing Program --- start an
Instructor Training Program! You
The best fitness kickboxing
need to spend more time ON your
instructors I have ever met are
business, not IN your business so
teachers first, and kickboxers
it’s time to empower others to
second. They’ve never won a
teach. Once you have successfully
Dojo Digest • April 2014