Instructor Training
innovative drills that narrow to
one specific skill, you induce
working memory, or the ability
to teach your brain how to
develop the skill at hand.
3. Curriculum review – You
risk over-working or underdeveloping your student’s
knowledge of the curriculum
if you do not have a system
in place for covering each
portion of the curriculum.
By systematically rotating
the curriculum in a strategic
manner that compliments
the skill-building drills, your
students will retain the
material faster.
4. End of class game – 1990 is
calling and they want their
class format back if you do
not end class with a highenergy game. Of course, too
much of one game and your
students may get bored.
By systematically rotating
your games so that they stay
fresh, you get the social and
emotional benefits of this
strategy while leaving them
wanting more.
Dojo Digest • April 2014
Having strategically-designed and
systematized class planners in the
Martial Arts school is equivalent to
having a rocket science degree at
a space school. It requires countless hours of research and development, and a variety of case studies
to ensure its ongoing success. However, the finished product will bring
a wealth of benefits including: better retenti