Instructor Training
The Pitfalls of
in the Classroom
By Melody Shuman
f you read any business book on
success, you will find a common
denominator of having systems
in place for every aspect of your
business. This absolutely applies
to class planners, because there is
so much to remember including:
warm-up activities; powerful mat
chats; drills that induce working
memory; curriculum reviews; game
time; and end of class announcements. All of these components
plus managing social and emotional
Dojo Digest • April 2014
behaviors, its amazing how many
instructors still fail to systematize
their daily class planners.
The problem is, there are many
pitfalls to “winging-it” in the classroom. For starters, many things will
slip through the cracks when you
wing it, which means the class is
going to generate lesser value. Secondly, if you have several instructors
and each instructor wings it in class,
then you are going to run into problems with students liking one