Olympics. I boxed Paul Griffin twice, winning the
1990 Senior Final and losing the 1991 Senior Final,
but again I thought I was hard done by in the 1991
final as I thought I had won it. At that time you had
to win the 1991 Final to qualify for the 1992
Barcelona Olympics. I am still good friends with
Phil Sutcliffe and Paul Griffin to this day.
KO: Big Names that you boxed as an Amateur
on the National and International Circuit:
involved in and the toughest opponent you
Roy: My hardest fight would be Istvan Kovacs at
the World Championships in 1989 as he never
stopped coming at me and just fired loads of
punches accurately. Johnston Todd was the
toughest opponent I boxed, because when I fought
him, I out-boxed him over 2 hard rounds and the
third round he came out battered and bruised and
he stopped me with one hell of a punch. I was
probably too cocky after the first 2
A lesson well learned.
Roy: Well, I fought a few big
names, firstly there was Paul
Hodkinson (WBA Featherweight
Champion), Donny Hood
KO: Tell us about the sparring
(Commonwealth Champion), Joe
sessions with World
Kelly (Scotland) who won a British
Champions Barry McGuigan
Title and I beat him sometime in
and Wayne McCullough:
the early 80’s in a Full
International. I was due to fight
Roy: I sparred with Barry in 85Oscar De La Hoya 1985/86 in a
86, after he had won his British
Full International in Portland,
Title and he gave me a master
Oregon, but he missed his flight
class on punching power and
from LA and the fight never took
movement. It was definitely a
place. I boxed Sean Murphy
case of boy against man. I also
(Commonwealth Gold medallist) 3
times. I beat him at the Stadium in CHAMPION JOHNNY TAPIA sparred with Wayne McCullough,
and he has only 1 gear when it
early 1986, then lost to him in the
comes to boxing.... full throttle. It
Commonwealth Final in July 86,
then I fought him again in a Full International in Oct/ was a battle of the fittest. Nice to watch...just wish I
Nov 1986 and beat him again. I have boxed Johnny could have watched.
Tapia (5 times world champion) and beat him in an
KO: You’re favourite Irish International
Ulster International against America.
KO: What was the hardest fight you were ever
Roy: Has to be Michael Carruth as anytime that I