We are leaning toward testing windows that are 100 % focused upon test facilitation . For example , we may mirror our three-hour delayed schedule to breakup testing and classroom time . Hybrid students are expected to arrive to school at their regularly scheduled 7:41 am start time : remote learners are expected to be logged in and prepared for 7:41 am . Students would be administered their test session during the morning with the afternoon focused upon their regularly scheduled classes . Once we solidify our plan , we will communicate the logistics and details surrounding our testing schedule .
As communicated , the blue wing has been renovated and returned to JFK faculty and students . The white wing ’ s renovation process is currently underway . Looking ahead , we will turn our gymnasium over to Gilbane this April break . Once school concludes for summer break , Gilbane will take red wing and the interior area of the hub . Upon our September 2021 return , the yellow areas below will continue to be under construction while the areas in green will be ready for occupancy .
Report cards grades will be released via powerschool parent portal on Friday , April 23 by 3 pm .