that you take a look at where your bus is located and communicate which lane your child must report to at the end of the school day . All bus assignments and lane information can be found here :
JFK Bus Lanes .
Recognizing , Understanding , Labeling , Expressing , Regulating
After settling into our four day schedule , we plan to implement our social emotional program within our classrooms . Beginning in grade 6 , we will expose students to RULER ’ s mood meter . This assessment provides students the opportunity to anonymously share a snapshot of how they are feeling in the moment . Their individual feelings are collectively plotted on a meter which indicates the group ’ s overall mood . This information is utilized to establish a dialogue and explore emotions . Speaking about feelings our students are experiencing is the foundation to developing deeper emotional intelligence . Our hope is to establish emotional regulation as our students navigate the middle school years . If you would like to learn more about Yale University ’ s program , please visit their site here :
Testing season is upon us and will look very different than prior years . During the 2019-20 school year assessments were canceled due to the pandemic ; however , it appears we are a “ go ” for the 2020-21 school year . We have experience in proctoring digital versions of SBAC and NGSS – we do not have experience in administering this assessment to remote learners who are not within our physical classrooms . Nevertheless , we will create a schedule that provides dedicated time for students who are testing whether at school or remotely . Students will need to take the assessment during the same testing window in accordance with Connecticut Department of Education ( CTDOE )
guidelines . At the moment , we are awaiting final details surrounding test sessions and logistics . All testing will occur on your child ’ s EPS-issued iPad .