April Newsletter | 页面 4

Rules and Procedures

our school site and is provided for you here : JFK Handbook .
Given our limited space and CDC guidelines , behaviors that compromise student / faculty health and safety will not be tolerated . Also , a reminder that educators continue to juggle both in-class and remote teaching which is extremely challenging . In order to support a learning environment that is conducive for all learners , student conduct must be school-appropriate . We are beyond appreciative of the values and efforts that you place into the healthy development of your child . Your support in upholding our schoolwide expectations concerning conduct and negative behaviors is paramount . We look forward to renewing our school culture and reestablishing a healthy school environment where all students are able to experience success .

Students Entering & Exiting School Grounds

Parent / Guardian Pick-up & Drop-off

Just a reminder that parent / guardian pick-up and drop-off take place on the main entrance side of the building . Please enter at our southern entrance ; drop-off and pick-up by the white house entrance ; and exit by the main entrance . Please remain in the traffic loop during this time and do not cut across the parking lot . All students being picked-up or dropped-off during this time will utilize the main entrance of the building to enter and exit ( see image below ).


Students who walk or bike to school are provided a crossing guard directly out-front of the school . We ask that students utilize this crosswalk and refrain from crossing on their own . All walkers are asked to enter and exit JFK via the main entrance doors ( see image below ).

Busing Students

All busing students are dropped off and picked up on the red house side of the building . Busing students enter and exit utilizing the red house entrance and rear library doors . In the morning students are dropped off and , weather permitting , wait outside of the red house until doors are opened at 7:41 am . If we are faced with inclement weather , students are kept on their bus until 7:41 am .
For the afternoon bus departure , it is imperative that your child know what lane they are to report to . There are seven distinctly marked lanes where buses park at the end of the school day . These lanes are located in the red house parking lot . Your child ’ s bus will always report to same lane at the end of the school day . For example , Bus # 6 will always be in Lane # 2 . We will have these posted and review it with your child when asked but it alleviates a great deal of anxiety when they are already aware . We ask