Happy Easter Eaglebrooke Residents !
Throughout the Eaglebrooke community , many projects are being completed around the common areas and on many residents ’ homes . You may have noticed the renovations on the front fountain . This project should be finished in the next few weeks and we are excited to give the entrance a new , fresh look .
The Golden Lakes CDD will start repaving roads in the early summer . Be on the lookout for a letter in the mailbox if this effects your home . We will also place signs out front of the street a week before repaving is scheduled to begin . During this time , your vehicle cannot be parked on the road during the day .
With all these updates , it may be time to look at your home and see if your home could use a new coat of paint . With the Florida sun , paint usually only last 5 to 7 years . Many homes have never been painted . A good sign it needs to be painted is if you touch the side and a chalk type substance comes off on your hand .
The Board is looking for one more candidate to be elected to the HOA Board of Directors . If you are interested in being on the Board of Directors please send your resume to Manager @ Eaglebrooke . net by April 5 , 2021 .
We still have members that have not paid the 2021 Annual Assessment . Late letters have been sent out to the residents that are delinquent . Please make sure to pay these assessments right away .
We are looking for ways to communicate better to all the members via the portal . If you have not received an invitation to the portal , please go online to https :// enprovera . appfolio . com / connect / users / request _ access to request access to the portal .
The next Board of Directors meeting will take place April 13 , 2021 at the Eaglebrooke Clubhouse at 6:30PM .
Please remember if you are Club lot and have lawn issues , please do not speak with the workers . It is best to contact the Manager at Manager @ Eaglebrooke . net or call 863.808.0035 .
We hope everyone has a wonderful Easter !
Thank you ,
The Eaglebrooke Board of Directors
APRIL eaglebrooke newsletter 17