APRIL 2024 Pawsitively Pets issue to publish online | Page 7

-- Working Cats --

It ’ s Thursday , and time to open the shop . I know it , and perhaps more importantly , Hector , the Inspector , knows it , too . Jasper , the black and white cat might catch a morning nap , but not our orange , fluffy book shop ambassador . He hears the bell before me , and makes a beeline right down the aisle to the people coming in the door .
When I went to the internet and typed in “ Working Cats ,” I expected to see more happy working cats in shops , greeting customers . And , yes , you can find that . But what I found is a different type of working cat . There are cats that end up in shelters that simply do not like people that much . In fact , they don ’ t want to be around us at all . But what they do want to do is catch and kill rodents .
For many farms , warehouses , and companies that can have a rodent problem , a group of working felines is a non-chemical solution . Pesticides can poison more than mice . In farms , in feed mills , even in warehouses , that poison can harm other animals , get into foods , and from there , to people .
It ’ s a modern twist on the old barn cat , except that these cats are vetted , microchipped , vaccinated , and tested for feline leukemia . The Working Cat Program , “ Mousebusters ,” is available through the Pennsylvania SPCA . PASPCA has several offices in Southeastern Pennsylvania , and one office in Danville . I called the Danville office and spoke to Alexis Stiegerwalt , one of the Animal Care attendants . She said that they placed working cats from their office . Often , these cats had been either abused or neglected , and no longer trusted humans , but were not a part of a feral colony . They need the structure of water , food , and shelter , but do not wish to be a companion animal .
The SPCA has a form for those looking for Mousebusters ( you adopt a couple or more ), and tips for getting your new staff on board with hunting prey in your business . They need a large crate to stay in while getting used to your space , and then later , as a “ home base .” They need a litter box in places like warehouses , though that ’ s optional if you are hiring your killers for a barn . “ Mousebusters ” do need some food and fresh , clean water . Yes , you want them to hunt , but you also want them to be healthy and hydrated , and that food keeps them employed in your firm and not out hunting elsewhere .
For more information , the website https :// www . pspca . org / working-cats will give you the complete process to adopt these working cats , and an application .
The Clinton County SPCA has a working cats program , as well . Called “ Career Cats ,” they also place mousers at businesses . Contact them at 570-748-4756 , or ccspca @ comcast . net for more information .
How many mice do Hector and Jasper kill in the bookshop ? Well , they are pampered companions who love people . They are excellent at chasing anything , but their mothers never taught them how to kill . But the mice don ’ t come around to see if they are good at mousing or not . Their scent repels all the furry critters that can chew books . Thank you , Hector and Jasper !
- by Linda Roller , Bookseller , Writer , & Owner of Liberty Book Shop in beautiful downtown Avis , PA .


Hours : Thursday & Friday 10-6 , Saturday 10-3 , or by appt .
“ Where yesterday ’ s books are today ’ s treasures .”
LibertyBookShop @ comcast . net www . thelibertybookshop . com
Pawsitively Pets -- April 5