April 2024 April 2024 | Page 19

Pamplin Media Group April 2024 19

Golf Club

� From Page 13
Commission . While personnel in the water company may also work for CGC , the two businesses maintain separate financials . CGC pays the same rate for water usage as all the HOA customers in Charbonneau , and is the Charbonneau Water Company ’ s biggest customer .
Invariably , springtime not only brings flowers , warmer weather and more outdoor activity , but also water leaks as each HOA brings its system on after the winter . While many of the HOAs have been upgrading their aging irrigation systems , water under pressure is trying to escape . With the new pump system put in by the Charbonneau Water Company , and more upgraded controllers installed in HOAs , water issues were reduced in 2023 . We expect that 2024 will also see improvement .
As the irrigation systems of the golf course and the HOAs are often side by side , we recognize that homeowners may not understand who is responsible for leak repair . This often causes individual homeowners to contact either Bensel or course
superintendent Matt Collier directly . These contacts are not the appropriate way to fix a leak problem and often cause business disruptions and increased confusion . If you have a leak affecting your property , do not contact Chris or Matt . Instead contact your HOA property manager , landscape chairperson , or whoever else your HOA designates to work with your landscape contractor . If the landscape contractors determine it is a water company or golf course issue , they will contact Chris . Under no circumstances should homeowners attempt to shut off valves or disable golf course sprinkler heads . Doing so will likely cause a service charge to the HOA and in turn the homeowner .
The rates paid for water from the Charbonneau Water Company are significantly less than water from the city of Wilsonville . Because of the low cost of water , some leaks may be permitted to go on as either the golf course or the appropriate landscape contractor has other , more costly , projects needing attention . I know we all want things fixed when we want them fixed , which is usually immediately . Please remember — patience Is a virtue .
Public health
Dentists prepare to administer vaccines
See Page B1
Wednesday , November 11 , 2020 • Vol . 36 , Issue 46 • Building stronger communities through great local journalism • savinglocalnews . com
Council mulls ways to support businesses
NEWS IS CHANGING RAPIDLY | For breaking stories , COVID-19 news and the latest headlines , visit pamplinmedia . com
Outdoor parklets could extend season for restaurants
Pamplin Media Group
After doling out thousands of dollars to dozens of small businesses immediately following the onset of the COV- ID-19 pandemic , the Wilsonville government is considering more ways to lend a hand .
During a Wilsonville City Council work session Monday , Nov . 2 , Economic Development Manager Jordan Vance said the city could choose to distribute about $ 40,000 in grants for eight to 12 local restaurants to construct outdoor parklets , add covering , heat lamps and lighting and invest in other tools to extend the outdoor dining season .
Based on a survey he conducted , Vance said business owners would prefer that the city help them construct parklets in front of their restaurants rather than creating a communal pavilion for various restaurants to sell food .
Despite the colder weather , he thought people would still want to eat outside .
“ I think people are restless in their homes . I think there ’ s a desire to get out safely , have a beer , meet someone for a bite to eat . Given our temperate climate , I think if the space is designed safely , comfortably , with ventilation , with covering , I personally think it could be viable ,” he said .
Additionally , Vance said the city could participate in a Small Business Saturday marketing campaign and continue a program it initiated last spring in which it provided gift cards to community members for use at
Bullwinkle ’ s is back
Family fun center reopens for business

Wilsonville looks ahead

By COREY BUCHANAN Pamplin Media Group
See Page B2
Tra talk
Garbage rates to rise
See Page B4 he potential sea change in Wilsonville politics did not come to pass .
According to unofficial results , City Councilor Julie Fitzgerald edged out councilor Ben West to replace Tim Knapp as mayor by a margin of 58 % to 42 %.
Meanwhile , incumbent councilors Kristin Akervall and Joann Linville appear poised to win the two open council seats over challengers John Budiao and Imran Haider , with Akervall garnering 31 % of the vote and Linville 29 % of the vote . Budiao had 25 % while Haider had 14 %.
As of Monday most ballots had been counted , although several thousand remained in Clackamas County . The county elections office expected to finish counting those ballots — which were machine-rejected or those with signature issues — by Thursday evening .
In a statement , Fitzgerald said she was delighted to be elected and by a sizable margin .
“ Wilsonville voters have affirmed their commitment to a safe , civil , economically strong and inclusive community ,” she said . “ I thank each and every one of our Julie Fitzgerald for Mayor campaign volunteers and supporters for their strong support and inspiring values . From writing letters to the editor , to graphic design and building the website to displaying signs and working on many tasks , these volunteers were incredible . My husband , Bob , has been such a rock through the entire campaign , working side by side with me and keeping it fun . I thank each volunteer and my volunteer campaign manager ,
Pamplin Media honors veterans
G up pubviving veterans , now aging into their 90s .
Over the past several years , we decided to move forward in time with the veterans in our communities , h Korea Viet-
Susie Stevens , who is the best campaign manager imaginable .”
After Fitzgerald jumped out to a sizable lead on election night , West initially held out hope that he would catch up in the later returns . He inched a few percentage points closer from the initial results but not enough to change the outcome , and on Thursday , Nov . 5 , he called Fitzgerald to congratulate her on her victory . He surmised that partisan and nationalized politics might have contributed to his defeat , but also said Fitzgerald will make for a
Julie Fitzgerald , a former city councilor , will be the next mayor of Wilsonville after defeating City Councilor Ben West .
“ fantastic ” mayor and that the upcoming council will work great together .
“ I stand by the things I ran on ,” West said . “ I stand by running a campaign that was pro jobs , pro economy . I stand by my call for good government and transparent government and a visionary future .”
Despite the loss , West will continue to serve as a city councilor . His term expires in 2022 .
Fitzgerald reiterated that both candidates are committed to working well together with the rest
Potential swing at City Hall did not come to pass on Election Day
COURTESY PHOTOS Kristin Akervall ( above left ) won reelection to the Wilsonville City Council , while Joann Linville ( above right ) held a narrow lead in the race for a second spot on the council , with some votes left to be counted this week .
“ We will begin 2021 living in a city that is the envy of many for its beauty , safety , strong economic base , beautiful parklike neighborhoods , respect for natural resources and commitment to
inclusivity .”
— Julie Fitzgerald , Wilsonville mayor-elect
See COUNCIL / Page A9 See ELECTION / Page A9
Special section profiles servicemen and women from around region
ample amount of that in these pages . However , it ’ s equally important to acknowledge the humility that many veterans express . Their stories are really about service , not fighting . Keith Weir , a Korean War
Sherwood ,


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