April 2023 Spotlight APRIL23-WSCASpotlight_REV2 | Page 7

WSCA Digital Spotlight www . wsca . org 2023 - April - 7

Meeting Minutes

Work continues to finalize the March 24-25 combined Judge Seminar with MN 4H . This will be held at the Leatherdale Equine Center in St Paul . Our approximate cost will be $ 2000 . If we have at least 20 of the WSCA judges attend , we will be able to cover the costs without tapping into our WSCA allotment .
We have had 10 people reach out for information on becoming a WSCA judge . Applications and information have been sent to all of them . In order to test in 2023 , completed applications must be received no later than March 1 . Applicants who are eligible for testing will be tested at the Judge ’ s Seminar . The revised Judge Applicant test will be done and ready for Board approval at the March meeting .
We have not had milestone recognition awards for our judges for several years and would like to reinstate that . Pins would be nice awards for 10 years and up , with certificates for 5-year judges . Would like to propose that we present awards for 5-year increments . Will look into the cost of having pins made .
Marketing & Promotions : Rachel Duenow Posted the 2023 Champ Show showbill on FaceBook and there were 13,000 views , 3,500 engagements , and shared over 100 times . Got a lot of positive feedback regarding the showbill . Working on the final details with updating Sponsorship and Vendor forms . Budget will be presented in March .
Nominating : Kevin Berger Absent . Nothing to report .
Procedures : Sandy Strube Sara Schwartz as Vice-Chair . Motion made by Lori Taylor , seconded by Amber Duncanson , to approve Sara Schwartz as Vice-Chair . Motion carried unanimously .
Handed out three binders to the new Board members . Need to work on the high point calculations with James and Leslie .
Publicity : Lori Taylor : Dani Taylor Heitz as Vice-Chair . Motion made by Rachel Duenow , seconded by Julia Northwick , to approve Dani Taylor Heitz as Vice-Chair . Motion carried unanimously .
Kalli ( WSCA Queen ) reported the Royalty Court attended the Winter Carnival parade last weekend . Kalli will be attending the 4-H Roundup on Sunday and speaking about inspiring youth . Upcoming they will be attending the North Metro banquet , Skijoring , and the Arena Trailer Sales event .
Royalty : Bridget Behrns Absent . Nothing to report .
Rulebook : Cindy Ladd Sandy Strube as Vice-Chair . Motion made by Lori Taylor , seconded by Kevin Berger , to approve Sandy Strube as Vice-Chair . Motion carried unanimously .
Would like an updated picture for the western bit . Rulebook states curb bit for western and would like to update the language for the curb bit and what is acceptable .
Safety Committee : Corey Swartout Absent . Nothing to report .
Scholarship : Julie Gintner Absent . Nothing to report .
Old Business :
Fundraiser : WSCA will sell the raffle tickets and WSCF will match the funds if we sell all 300 tickets . The drawing will be held on April 30 th .
The Adaptive Riding classes will be showcased at the 2023 Champ Show . The guidelines are pretty much done and a profile form will need to be filled out . Looking for 10 hours of riding time within the qualification period , a physician ’ s referral form , athlete medical form , has physician sign off that there is a medical issue . There will be a volunteer application for people in the arena in case any help is needed . They will need to supply their own horse handlers , of which they will also sign a volunteer application . If you compete in Adaptive classes you cannot compete in any other class at Champ Show .
New Business :
Looking into on-line storage of Procedure documents . Could store on the backside of the WSCA site or through Google Docs .
Will be looking for the rest of the Vice-Chair nominations in March .
Lynn and James will possibly be attending some of the club meetings and banquets and sharing information with the clubs . Such as where the association is at , where things are headed , and speaking about investment for the future . There will be a handout to the delegates at the March General Meeting .
Adjournment :
Motion made by Rachel Duenow , seconded by Kevin Berger to adjourn the meeting at 8:27 PM . Motion carried unanimously .
Next Board Meeting : March 5th , 2023 Western Saddle Clubs Association , Inc . Board Meeting Minutes , February 1st , 2023 Submitted by Leslie Mason , WSCA Executive Secretary