April 2023 Spotlight APRIL23-WSCASpotlight_REV2 | Page 6

6 - April - 2023 www . wsca . org WSCA Digital Spotlight

Meeting Minutes

Board Members Present : Lynn-Ellen St . Martin , Rachel Duenow , Amber Duncanson , Julia Northwick , Lori Taylor , Keith Sather , Steve Bobzin , Kevin Berger , Paul Hansen
Members Absent : Ann Goebel , Julie Gintner
Other members and visitors : Kalli Koepp ( WSCA Queen / MN Valley Riders ), James Duenow ( Champ Show / Jus Kiddin Around ), Sara Schwartz ( Parliamentarian / Judges / Wissota ApHC ), Cindy Ladd ( Rulebook / Over Easy Riders ), Sandy Strube ( Procedures / Tri County Riders of Watertown )
Meeting was called to order by President Lynn-Ellen St . Martin at 7:00 PM Public Open Comment : None
Secretary ’ s Report : Leslie Mason Motion made by Amber Duncanson , seconded by Lori Taylor to approve the February 1st , 2023 , Board Meeting Minutes with noted changes . Motion carried unanimously .
Treasurer ’ s Report : Arlene Bayer
As of 01 / 28 / 2023 Checking $ 12,652.38 CD ’ s-Minnco CU $ 65,529.26
$ 78,181.64
Balance Sheet and Income Statement was presented , YTD Net Income ( Loss ) is ($ 78.58 ) and LYTD Net Income ( Loss ) was ($ 21,538.70 ). The year end payroll has been completed . The bills to be paid next week are for regular insurance of $ 1,430 and work comp insurance for $ 302 . Motion made by Kevin Berger , seconded by Steve Bobzin , to accept the Treasurer ’ s Report subject to audit from January 28 , 2023 . Motion carried unanimously .
Correspondence : Received a total of 141 club renewals for 2023 , last year to date received 145 club renewals .
Committee Reports :
Championship Horse Show : James Duenow Looking into making barrel classes move faster on Monday by using lasers to stake the barrels . Champ Show showbill has been put out on FaceBook . With the addition of Adaptive Riding and Ranch Horse classes , the response has been very positive . Have had people reach out already that would like to sponsor the new classes . Received estimated quote from State Fair in the amount of $ 78,750 . This is an increase of $ 4,250 from last year . Need more members to get involved in getting sponsorships for Champ Show to help with the increasing costs of putting on the show . Will have a meeting with Matthew to discuss changes we need to make in the computer system .
Computer : Jake Flodquist Absent . Jennell Flodquist as the Vice-Chair . Motion made by Kevin Berger , seconded by Lori Taylor , to approve Jennell Flodquist as Vice-Chair . Motion carried unanimously .
Drills and Squares : Marlys Mooney Absent . Mandy Gustafson as the Vice-Chair . Motion made by Rachel Duenow , seconded by Amber Duncanson , to approve Mandy Gustafson as Vice- Chair . Motion carried unanimously .
Futurity : Renee Lee Absent . Marcia Melde as Vice-Chair . Motion made by Julia Northwick , seconded by Paul Hansen , to approve Marcia Melde as Vice-Chair . Motion carried unanimously .
The Judges Committee will be meeting in April to start making plans . Lynn will be attending the meetings . Will be looking into guidelines for Longe-Line and bits .
Historian : Tim Wampfler Absent . Nothing to report .
Judges : Kim Ziegler Absent .
Sara Schwartz as Vice-Chair . Motion made by Steve Bobzin , seconded by Julia Northwick , to approve Sara Schwartz as Vice-Chair . Motion carried unanimously .
Other Committee members include Sally Daluge , Matthew Saterbak ( Judge ’ s Rep ) Julie Gintner ( BOD ), Shannon Jones , Bill Freitag .
Judges Budget was presented . Motion made by Kevin Berger , seconded by Paul Hansen , to approve the budget . Motion carried unanimously .