APRIL 2023 BAR BULLETIN APRIL 2023 | Page 12



Diversity in the Criminal Justice System

A primary goal of diversifying a workplace is to provide more inclusive and competent service to its clientele . In the criminal justice arena , that goal is just as important as in any other field of occupation . For many who encounter the criminal justice system , whether as a victim of a crime , a witness , or the accused , first impressions that include diversity may impact their belief in the fairness of the system . Sometimes that diversity is more than just the color of our skin , but it includes diversity of background , thoughts , ideas , age , and culture . Decisions on whether and how much to cooperate with the prosecution of a case are often influenced by a witness ’ comfortability with and level of trust in the lawyers and other system professionals with whom he or she interacts , trust that is developed through effective and culturally competent communication . For an individual accused of a crime , having counsel who understands how cultural norms can impact behavior may be the difference between a successful explanation of seemingly suspicious behavior and an unfavorable verdict .
Demographic and statistical data reflect that the county is growing in its diversity
The December 2022 data published by the U . S . Census notes Florida as “ the fastestgrowing state in 2022 , with an annual population increase of 1.9 %, resulting in a total resident population of 22,244,823 ”. Recent census data reflect 52.6 % of Palm Beach County population reporting as White alone , not of Hispanic or Latino origin , 20.1 % reporting as Black or African American alone , 23.9 % reporting as having Hispanic or Latino origin , and 3 % reporting as Asian alone . Palm Beach County hosts the fifth largest school district in the state and services students who speak 150 languages and dialects . The Florida State Courts Administrator reports a steady increase in use of language interpreter services in Palm Beach County court cases in each of the 4th quarter reports published for the last several years . With an increasingly diverse population , the
demographics of the victims , witnesses , and defendants in criminal cases continue to become more diverse which requires those representing the interests of the citizens and defendants to be diverse and operate with cultural awareness .
The need for diversity amongst the lawyers in the criminal justice system extends beyond aesthetics . Diversity in the workplace leads to benefits from both an internal and external perspective . A diverse workforce brings people with different experiences , skills , perspectives and insights together to think creatively on how to solve problems and informs better decision making . Across the nation , criminal justice professionals have been engaging in discussions regarding social justice , implicit bias , and ethnic disparities in the system .
As communities have become more aware of the long-term effects of systemic racism , lawyers working in the system have an increased duty to respond to the residents and defendants they represent in a culturally competent manner . Being aware of and understanding cultural norms and recognizing the impact of historical injustices on behavior patterns and attitudes , help to establish trust in the fairness of the system for all of its participants .
Cheo Reid is an Assistant State Attorney who serves as the Chief of the Juvenile Division . He is a member of the Palm Beach County Bar Association , F . Malcolm Cunningham , Sr . Bar Association , and the National Black Prosecutors Association .
Schnelle Tonge is an Assistant Public Defender who serves as the Chief of Client Services and Mental Health Division . She is a member of the Palm Beach County Bar Association .
Tuesday , April 4 th 4:00 P . M . - 5:00 P . M . 4th District Court of Appeals Appellate Update : Recent Changes Impacting Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Cases
Monday , April 17 th 11:30 A . M . - 2:00 P . M . Bar Office Business Committee CLE : Writing Concisely and Persuasively
Tuesday , April 18 th 1:00 P . M . - 5:00 P . M . Bar Office Paralegal Committee CLE : The Interactive Paralegal - Technology , Ethics , and Professionalism
Monday , April 24 th 12:00 P . M . - 4:00 P . M . Bar Office Community Law CLE Committee : Community Association Governance Issues
Thursday , April 27 th 11:45 A . M . - 1:30 P . M . Main Courthouse Criminal Law CLE : Legal Writing for Criminal Law Practitioners
For more information , please visit : www . palmbeachbar . org / calendar