APRIL 2023 BAR BULLETIN APRIL 2023 | Page 11

The Palm Beach County Bar Association Business Litigation CLE Committee presents : Writing Concisely and Persuasively
Monday , April 17 th 11:30 a . m . – 2:00 p . m . Palm Beach Bar Office 1507 Belvedere Road , West Palm Beach
This 120-minute session will focus on improving the form of writings and hearing materials submitted to the Court and how to effectively prepare for hearings . The session will be an interactive discussion among the panelists with questions and comments welcomed from attendees throughout the session .
Panelists : Judge James Nutt , Magistrate Judge Ryon McCabe , and Joanne O ’ Connor Session Moderator ( s ): Former Judge William J . Berger Lunch – 11:30 a . m . – 12:00 p . m . Introductions of Speakers -12:00
A . Writings and Hearing Materials Submitted to the Court
1 .
Requirements for State Court Filings
2 .
Requirements for Federal Court Filings
3 .
Practitioner ' s Perspective on Written Materials
B .
How to “ Trim the Fat ” in Motions / Filings 1 . Traditional motions that fail to properly prepare judges versus “ out of the box ” or abbreviated submissions that succeed in preparing judges 2 . How to align your written materials with the purpose of the filing .
C . How to Supplement Written Materials at Hearings
1 .
Visual Aids and Technology
2 .
Rapid Fire Cheat Sheets
3 .
Delivery to the Court
D . Interactive Review of Redacted Motions and How to Condense the Arguments E . Questions and Answer
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This course has been approved by the Florida Bar to receive 2.0 General Credits and 2.0 Certification Credits in Business Litigation . The cost is $ 35 for PBCBA Government Members , $ 75 for Regular Members , and $ 115 for non-PBCBA members . Judges are complimentary . Register online @ palmbeachbar . org .