golf cart
• Golf Cart Battery Life Expectancy
Believe it or not, golf cart batteries will actually
gain more charge capacity…for a while at least.
Over time these same batteries will begin to
have diminishing charge capacity until they
need to be replaced. How long this process
takes is greatly affected by how the battery and
golf cart is maintained and stored.
the battery system is charged will ultimately
determine how long the battery will last.
Generally, the less charge being used before
recharging, the longer the battery will last. The
chart below gives a theoretical representation
of how many charge cycles can be expected
based on how low the battery is run down.
Reaching 100% Capacity
Obviously new golf carts come with new
batteries, but these batteries only hold about
an 80% charge. To reach 100% capacity
requires proper charging and discharging of the
batteries. This can be done by either keeping
the golf cart on an automatic charger or by
using your cart regularly. As seen in the chart
below, this process can take between 75-100
charge cycles.
Battery Life Span
Charge Cycles
The life of a battery is determined by how many
charge cycles it can produce. How and when
Battery Life Cycles
Life Expectancy
In theory, the life expectancy of a golf cart
battery should be somewhere around 750-900
charge cycles. In reality that number is much
less due to many factors including storage,
temperatures, and charging practices. As
roughly indicated with the first chart, a battery
would be considered bad when it holds less
than 60% charge. This could occur somewhere
between 300-320 charge cycles. As the
theoretical chart implies, the more the battery is
run down and recharged, the faster it will wear
out. Keeping a battery on a self charger will
have very minimal affect on its life, that is why it
is always important to keep your golf cart on a
charger. •
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APRIL 2019