April 2018 April 2018 | Page 37

The boards use rechargeable lithium-ion batter- ies built into the base of the board to help pro- vide a smooth ride on rolling terrain. Charging the boards takes approximately two hours and the battery packs a life of approximately 3,500 rounds of golf. Golf Boards have been engineered to make the smallest possible degree of turf impact to help minimize injury to turf. The boards can reduce turf wear by as much as 75% because they offer approximately the same PSI as a golf cart (6lbs per square inch), but only 25% of the footprint. Using a golf board is designed to be intuitive. Like a skateboard, you place one foot in front of the other, with your clubs in front. The bar-mounted thumb throttle is located at the center of the handlebars. Press down on the throttle to move forward. Release the throttle and the engine cuts out for a quick stop. Another benefit of the Golf Board is they can dramatically increase the pace-of-play. Accord- ing to GolfBoard, the average 18-hole round on the board is 2:37. A big benefit is each Golf Board golfer can go directly to their ball while a two-person cart often must cover a much great- er distance. Riders simply lean side to side to control the turning of the board. A low/high-speed switch helps provide a practice mode for beginner rid- ers to help increase their confidence before ex- periencing higher speeds. Most Golf Boards offer a stability bar and a bag holder to help provide assurance and improve balance. Most courses view Golf Boards as a supplement to two-person golf carts. The boards are being used as an opportunity to bring in new member- ship by providing an easy, intuitive and stable for first-time users. Players with no riding experience often try a Golf Board and end up riding comfortably after just a Golf Boards are extremely stable few minutes of practice. With faster because they were designed to charging and greatly reduced main- BENEFITS: have the lowest possible center tenance costs compared to regu- of gravity, creating a surf-like lar golf carts, Golf Boards also are Dramatically increases much smaller and therefore take up experience. The low center of the pace-of-play gravity makes it easy to step less space in between use. on the board at each shot and allows the rider to feel like they Most golf courses typically provide Reduces course are in contact with the terrain. a detailed safety program, which all wear-and-tear new riders must complete before Golf Boards were designed to operating a Golf Board. New users The GolfBoard be used on virtually every type are also required to sign a liability requires minimal release acknowledging that they un- of terrain and surface including maintenance steep grassy slopes and paved derstand the operation and safety trails, to soft turf terrain and principles. loose gravel. They come with large turf tires that were designed to provide maximum traction and With initial funding of $100,000 on Kickstarter, balance,while keeping the boards in beautiful the company began selling Golf Boards for about condition. $4,000 apiece. Initial response was strong, and the company hasn’t looked back. Golf courses They’re also a healthier alternative for the golf can purchase or lease golf boards, with financing course by helping to reduce soil compaction and available for most' turf stress since the combined weight of the rid- er and Golf Board is significantly less than that of Contact: a golf cart. Using a four-wheel-drive system also GolfBoard Inc. allows power to be distributed to all four wheels 61239 Tetherow Dr. #211 equally, which provides smooth acceleration Bend, OR 97702 | 888-328-2841 and ensures a fluid increase in speed that won’t Customer service and billing questions: cause turf-damaging burnouts. [email protected] APRIL 2018 37