Changing On Course Transportation
Since the game of golf reached the United States in the 1890s , golf equipment has embraced technology in a big way . Club manufacturers are using the latest science to improve club performance and are releasing new lines of clubs every year . With constant innovation , the golf ball is flying farther than ever before . Golf instruction also has made huge strides in helping golfers learn the game by leveraging new tools and new technology .
One area that hasn ’ t changed much has been transportation on the golf course . Golfers have had the choice to walk and carry their clubs , use a pull cart , walk with a caddy
WWW . GOLFCAROPTIONS . COM carrying their clubs or ride in a two-person golf cart .
But recently , golfers have been presented with innovative new transportation options on the golf course . Motorized , single rider vehicles such as golf boards and scooters are changing the way golfers experience the game .
Golf boards are maneuverable electric skateboards that can reach speeds up to 14 mph and are designed to carry golfers and their gear . The GolfBoard brand is currently available at over 250 courses around the world , including 28 in the Chicagoland area . The product won Best New Product at the PGA Merchandise Show in 2014 .
Developed by legendary surfer Laird Hamilton , Bally ’ s Total Fitness founder Don Wildman and a team of Oregon-based entrepreneurs , GolfBoard is changing the face of on-course transportation . The goal of the product is to hook the next generation of golfers by combining the fun of surfing and skateboarding with the beauty of a golf course .
“ In the end , it ’ s about how to make things more fun and interesting ,” said Laird Hamilton . “ Just because that ’ s the way it ’ s done doesn ’ t mean it ’ s the only way .”