The book “ Basics , systems and technologies in Engineering Surveying ” is part of the “ Applied Geodesy ” project of the authors , consisting of three parts : 1 . Engineering Surveying , 2 . Natural scientific aspect of Geodesy application and 3 . Other applications of Geodesy . The three together treat the versatile application of geodesy .
The book is actually the first part – Book 1 of Part 1 . Engineering Surveying , which is prepared for press in the form of 3 books , as Book 2 “ Design and implementation of physical and general plans ” – 330 pp ., and has been already issued in digital [ http :// Billio . bg ] and analogue form by the Union of Surveyors and Land Managers in Bulgaria and published by the Avangard Publishing House . As already noted in 02.7 , Book 3 “ Construction of linear objects , buildings , facilities , installation of technological equipment . Plans of the built complex objects ” is also being prepared for printing .
The reason for releasing this part also as a separate book – Book 1 , is the large volume of material on Engineering Surveying ; the specificity and thematic differentiation of the problems ; the distinguishing , systematization , generalization and presentation of modern achievements in this area , presented for the first time in the form of systems , methods and technologies ( a basic inevitable element and prerequisite – theoretical and practical , for further realization in the particular engineering objects or their complexes ); the broad circle of professionals working specifically in this area . Last but not least , this separate issuing will make the book much easily accessible for use . Its realization by means of the contemporary possibilities of digital publishing and application , including by mobile devices , is very favorable in this respect .
Along with this , however , there is a planned , immediate and inevitable connection between the treated herein matter and its concrete realization in the other two books of 1 . Engineering Surveying . The application in construction is implied – the design , tracing and control during the building and installation of the different types of engineering objects and their complexes . This means that the three books represent a single organic entity – Engineering Surveying . Therefore , the whole numbering of titles , figures and tables , etc ., is an inseparable part – an element of 1 . Engineering Surveying . This also determines the inclusion of this book further on in a unified digital edition as 1 . Engineering Surveying . Actually , as pointed out earlier , it has been included as an integral part of it .
In the reference literature dedicated to Engineering Surveying , in fact there are practically few specialized works devoted entirely to Engineering Surveying . However , there a lot more dedicated to the specific applications of Engineering Surveying . They have been reflected to a great extent , of course along with the current legal basis , in the proposed work .
The decimal numbering system is used in the book . Due to the large number of titles and their multiple stages , for the sake of clarity , simplification has been made here by introducing a double four-stage numbering as in our previously mentioned Book 2 . It consists in the introduction of the conventional four-stage numbering with using , when necessary , a new additional four-stage numbering in the cases , when it has to be exceeded .
The authors acknowledge their gratitude to the Union of Surveyors and Land Managers in Bulgaria for the publication of the book under its auspices and for the cooperation and support during the preparation and realization of the book . We would like to thank also the reviewers : Corr . Mem . Prof . D . Sc . Arch . Atanas Kovachev , Assoc . Prof . Dr . Eng . Veneta Kotzeva , Prof . D . Sc . Georgi Valev and Assoc . Prof . Dr . Eng . Todor Kostadinov . We owe also gratitude to Prof . Dr . Eng . Borislav Marinov for the review and proposed amendments related to sections and of the books , to Prof . Dr . Plamen Maldzhanski – for , to Prof . Dr . Eng . Keranka Vasileva – for and 01 and 02 , to Prof . D . Sc . Eng . Andrei Andreev – for 01 and 02 .