Book 1 treats the fundamentals of Engineering Surveying – the modern : investment process , normative base , geodetic basis ( digital data , plans , maps and control networks ), instruments , apparatuses and systems ; reference and coordinate systems and surfaces , theoretical bases of geodetic measurement processing , algorithms and software , modern numerical geospatial technologies and their application in Engineering Surveying and related information systems . The main issues of tracing are presented : essence , elements , methods , technologies , accuracy , norms and cases ; theoretical bases and practice in the control and determination of displacements and investigation of deformations of engineering objects , including in landslides .
In fact the exposition in this part of the book refers to the theoretical and principal essentials , including systems , methods and technologies . Their specific application is further considered in the design and application of a complex of objects in Book 2 and in the construction of the individual particular objects in Book 3 .
The presentation has an original structure . It corresponds to the current normative regulations and the possibilities afforded by the modern digital devices , instruments , systems and technologies . The book reflects to a large extent the views , long-term research , teaching experience and participation in the construction and investigation of engineering objects , including with original spatial constructive solutions of the authors .
The book can be used by lecturers , students and practitioners in the field of Engineering Surveying and all those who work on the construction and exploitation of engineering objects and their complexes such as architects , civil engineers – constructors , and specialists in the transport and water sector , etc ., designers , contractors performing organization and control of construction and installation of technological equipment . Undoubtedly , it is recommended to do this , if necessary , at the same time with the other two books of the authors .
1 . Corr . Mem . Prof . D . Sc . Arch . Atanas Kovachev , Assoc . Prof . Dr . Eng . V . Kotzeva 2 . Prof . D . Sc . Eng . Georgi Valev 3 . Assoc . Prof . Dr . Eng . Todor Kostadinov
ISBN 978-619-90732-2-3
Printed edition