APPInep e-newsletter_Autumn_2018 APPInep e-Newsletter 12.7 | Page 12

Learning English with ICT, in the Primary School practise this subject matter was using the description of each one’s monsters. Each student created a monster in a piece of paper, digitalized it at home and saved it in a pen drive. Then, in the Magalhães computer they accessed the application, wrote the monster’s description and uploaded the drawing. All the students of the 4th grade could see each other’s works by accessing the application and logging in with a username and previously by the teacher. a password created Padlet As a way to celebrate the International Day of Peace, through an eTwinning project, the 4th grade students created a padlet with sentences related to the theme. The padlet was widespread across the eTwinning community and the page of our group of schools. This activity was developed in each classroom with the whole class. Each pair of students went to the computer and wrote their sentence. There was no need of a computer for each student, as it was a group activity. The final product can be seen in the following link: https:// eTwinning Platform The eTwinning platform (https:// is also a good tool for the teachers to develop all kinds of projects. Teachers can pick the project they wand to develop with their students, some of them appeal to the use of ICT, and it is good because we can see how or which schools from Europe use the technological tools.