Apparel Online India Magazine July 1st Issue 2018 | Page 53

RESOURCE CENTRE within the denim section that will be displaying the latest technologies and advancements taking place in the industry and the moves that denim industry must make to achieve sustainable growth. “Brands like Raymond and Arvind Industries have confirmed to present the future forecast on the trends of the denim industry. We will also have a Denim Talk show (Knowledge Forum) where national and international speakers will focus on sustainability, design inspiration, trends emerging in the denim industry, improvement in washing/finishing techniques, apart from other relevant industry topics. We’d be covering six sessions in a day,” shares Gaurav. For denim fabricators, garment manufacturers, apparel brands, buying houses, merchandisers and other industry players, this new addition to the event will provide a great chance to witness innovations in the industry. In addition, an Application Zone will provide visitors a peek into the various applications of denim like women apparel, wedding dresses, bags, rugs, bikers’ helmets, decorative items, home furnishings, shoes, toys, car seat covers, facemasks, phone covers, upholstery, insulations and more. It is Gaurav’s extensive experience in handling international shows that is backing the show to garner national and international recognition. Back in 2007, he started with first international show and rest is history. He says, “There are a lot of organisers arranging international shows for Indian exhibitors, but in our show, we have 90 per cent international exhibitors and 10 per cent from India. Like if, I talk about Singapore show, there are only 3-4 Indian exhibitors. The current show that we are doing in Kenya is again in 90:10 ratios. We have set-up everywhere, we know how to conduct the show; in fact this time we have some exhibitors from China in the upcoming show and one from the UK. So with our reputation, even the international companies are aware A front view of the Gartex show last year of the show, which is a very positive point. We have our associations like Denim Manufacturers’ Association along with our usual associations, and next year, we will have an international association tied up with the show.” With repeated participation from the one who partook last year, one can tell that Gartex is being accepted slowly and steadily by the industry. There is no show, either on national or international level, which amalgamates fabric and technology the way Gartex intends to do. “The kind of feedback we get is that the show is very well managed, well organised, and for our visitors everything is there…, all they want to see is a little bit of more variety. On our website, there are 120 responses where 60-70 per cent of them have five or four stars. We are very active and aggressive on social media. There we share a lot of latest updates, news about not only our show, but also about what’s happening in the industry and that’s an interest area where people are associating with us.” He further explains, “We don’t see a show as a show for particular market, but as a show for pan India; say if I have a show in Delhi, I am still advertising it in Tripura, Gujarat, Indore and in For denim fabricators, garment manufacturers, apparel brands, buying houses, merchandisers and other industry players, this new addition to the event will provide a great chance to witness innovations in the industry. all such textile hubs. So everywhere we are promoting ourselves; hence we get pan India visitors, and last year, we got 60-70 international visitors too.” This gives rise to the visitors’ expectations and pushes the organisers to innovate themselves. Gaurav shares, “We have plans to add a lot more sectors that are related to garments and apparel that are not yet explored.” About the growth in space, he beams, “We are 60 per cent higher than last year in terms of the area and next year again would see a 50-60 per cent growth.” Keeping their own vision in mind and the ever-increasing expectation of their exhibitors and visitors, Gaurav’s team works in a unique way. “Our company’s strategy is to work from the visitor’s point of view first; we talk both to the visitors as well to the exhibitors. We ask exhibitors the profile of visitors they want – which section, which division or head, and then only we work on that sector. Similarly, we ask the visitors what is it that they are looking for…? They want to know what’s latest in the industry, how they can create something new, and which is one of the key areas for us,” concludes Gaurav. | JULY 1-15, 2018 | Apparel Online India 53