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“ I want to sell my factory ’ s concept , not just products ”
Zahir Sait , Director , International Trading Company , Tirupur
After a two-hour long meeting with Zahir Sait , a young , Director of International Trading Company ( ITC ), Tirupur and taking a round of his green factory , there were many reasons to be impressed , not just because of his minute planning , broad vision , and unique business strategy …, but also for his impressive initiatives to achieve the goals . He is very clear that he is not selling products but his factory concepts on which the same has been established . The company , doing a turnover of Rs . 32 crore , is investing Rs . 50 crore in a phased manner to achieve a business goal of Rs . 250 crore turnover from the same unit . The most important differentiator that sets the company apart from many others in the industry is Zahir ’ s positive mindset that reflects in his actions .
Walking through the factory , among the many attractions , are the vertical garden , advance AC arrangement , busbar electrical system , use of industrial tiles , solar energy , adequate lighting on finishing floors … Similarly , when talking to Zahir , the interesting strategies that draw attention are use of Information Technology for marketing that bring in walk-in buyers and focus on premium quality sweaters with intricate designs .
Marketing strategy …
Buyers are coming to ITC and are happily choosing products from the ready stock . The credit for this goes to the aggressive use of Google as a marketing tool . Zahir claims that this year ( in 2018 ) alone , the company has finalised orders with
8 such ‘ walk-in export buyers ’. One of them – an Israeli buyer – placed orders of 8,000 pieces , while few have picked huge quantities from ready stocks of the factory ’ s own private label GOAT ( Greatest of ALL Times ). One of the most important customers Zahir has met this year also happens to be a walk-in buyer from Germany who works out of Nepal and who is associated with Hermes brand and makes cashmere sweaters . The first order for Hermes will be of 200 pieces and for that , the factory will be audited and approved . “ I do not push for orders , but sell the legacy of the factory , which automatically draws in the orders . In fact , we never talk about price or the quantities , we only tell customers what we are doing , our progress and the way we are building our future ,” says Zahir .
Zahir Sait keeps himself away from negativity , and always strategises to stay ahead
36 Apparel Online India | JULY 1-15 , 2018 | www . apparelresources . com