Apparel Online India Magazine January 1st Issue 2019 | Page 20
Team Apparel Online travels a lot and tries to get a first-hand feel of various hubs or clusters across India. By roaming around industrial
areas and streets of these hubs, AO highlighted Ludhiana, Kolkata, Madhya Pradesh, Surat and Lucknow hubs in 2018. Interestingly all these
hubs are geared up for growth. Being core in knitting and garmenting, Ludhiana and Kolkata are aggressively adopting lean, expanding
and adding new markets…
August 1-15
Growing Kolkata leaves no stone unturned
Apparel manufacturing companies across Kolkata are expanding in multiple
ways. The manufacturers are adding new garment factories; big groups
are into fabric capacity enhancement as well as value addition capacity;
reputed exporters are adding new processing units; SMEs are upgrading
themselves and installing CAD, either entering into exports or adding new
product categories…
April 1-15
Changing dynamics of Ludhiana’s
apparel industry
Ludhiana’s garment industry is full of new developments. Garment
manufacturers are very proactive – investing in new technologies,
expanding, adding new products, going into new markets, adopting
tools like lean…
Vishwajit Devnath,
HOD, Printing, Kothari Processors
“We are aggressively growing in prints and
hopefully will be at the top position in Kolkata as
far as printing is concerned. Currently, Kothari
Processors is doing business of around Rs. 250
crore which is expected to be Rs. 450 crore after
Anupam Maity,
Senior Merchandiser, KTC Export
“We follow the market trends very much but try
to give maximum variety in our products so that
more and more buyers can work with us. As
business is difficult, our new segment of basic or
comparatively less value-added garments is a
support for us.”
Mridu Somani,
Founder, Milestone Fashions
“Yes, companies like us in Kolkata are
expanding but in a different way. For them, it
is not just run-of-the-mill; they are focusing on
their individual strengths like our strength is
‘quality’. I don’t want to expand by ‘quantity’ but
by ‘quality’ only.”
“Besides helping us to diversify our
products’ range, lingerie demand is
increasing worldwide and also in India.
So, we are adding the same in our
offerings.” – Vivek Lakra, Director,
Superfine Knitters
“We did research on what is being offered
in the market by top brands and what is
the customer’s requirement. Based on
this we recently launched 100% cotton
denim which has the look and feel of
legging. With brand WEARA, it is initially
for domestic market...” – LB Maurya, MD,
Maurya Exports (WEARA)
“Initially we used to work with companies
who gave us huge volumes but they
squeezed a lot on margins. We stopped
working with them and started working
with the brands which are established
ones, may be even small.” – Arrpiit
Guptaa, Digital Marketing & Business
Development Head, NG Apparels
Rajendra Purohit, GR Garments
We started with trading, 4 year ago in the
domestic market and are now expanding into
export. We have targeted good artists, legends,
successful personalities across the globe and
are highlighting their quotes or views through
our garments. People are also appreciating
this concept as it gives a message too. We
have improved on PD, fit, quality to enter
into exports.”
20 Apparel Online India | JANUARY 1-15, 2019 |
“We are doubling our capacity and it will
take a year or two to use the full potential.
Our washing unit is one of the best in
northern India as we are dedicated to
quality product at reasonable price… Now
with 4th generation running the business,
it is necessary to build a system and factory
according to their mindset.” – Ashok
Kumar Jain, Partner, Miniking Knitwears