Apparel March 2020 Apparel March 2020 issue | Page 71

BRAND PROFILE WHAT IS YOUR OPINION ON ECOLOGICAL CHOICES IN FASHION? I think sustainability in fashion is a term that has been used in many ways and at many levels in today's time. It is amazing to see how some brands are making conscious choices to become sustainable. There is a marked change in the means used by organisations to avoid damaging or destroying our ecosystem. However, the flip side of the coin shows us how the excessive use of sustainability has also led to it being misused in a lot of ways. It is important for people to understand the realness of the subject and use their knowledge to make the right choices. WHAT ARE SOME OF THE FASHION TRENDS YOU SEE IN 2020? There will be a further display of peasant dresses, happy playful prints on relaxed silhouettes, etc. TELL US ABOUT THE FABRICS YOU ARE WORKING WITH AND WHY YOU HAVE CHOSEN THEM. We mostly work with a mix of hand-woven and mill-made fabrics. However, all fabrics are made of natural fibers. We choose our fabrics very carefully in order to make sure it does not compromise our design, fit and comfort. IT IS AMAZING TO SEE HOW MANY BRANDS ARE MAKING CONSCIOUS CHOICES TO BECOME SUSTAINABLE. HOWEVER, EXCESSIVE USE OF SUSTAINABILITY CAN ALSO DAMAGE THE ENVIRONMENT HOW HAS YOUR FASHION AESTHETICS CHANGED OVER THE YEARS? I think in my personal opinion, if as a designer you are not progressing then you’re regressing. Every collection we do teaches us a lot. Each collection comes with a new set of challenges. With the passing of each year, we have only grown in terms of our learning. This has led us to dive deep in our craft and create designs that are artistic yet functional. Every collection has taught us something new and I feel proud to have learnt on the job. The last nine years have been full of challenges and there is so much learning that it has been a great journey. APPAREL I March 2020 I 69