Apparel June 2019 Apparel June 2019 | Page 99

DESIGNER SPOTLIGHT PADMAJA BELIEVES THAT IN SOCIETIES ACROSS THE WORLD, THERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN A SYMBOLIC VALUE ATTACHED TO CLOTHING. designing from NIFT, New Delhi (1998–2001), and stepped into the world that was her true calling— one of clothes-making and textiles. SETTING UP STUDIO In 2012, after six years of working as a design consultant with the corporate as well as crafts sectors, and a four-year sabbatical after the birth of her first child, she founded Studio Padmaja. “I set up my studio with three aspirations—to observe and reflect on the relationship between human behaviour and clothing in my designs, to integrate the work of traditionally skilled artisans with modern design practice, and to combine sustainability and social responsibility with humour and delight,” she says. Padmaja believes that in societies across the world, there has always been a symbolic value attached to clothing. A person’s attire holds a social, political, and cultural context. “While one may not make subjective value judgements, the choice of dress is certainly insightful and indicative of the wearer’s personality. For instance, a person who chooses to wear khadi conveys that they subscribe to slow, handmade, locally produced, evolved, natural clothing that respects the maker and the environment. It is very likely that such a person would be drawn to making similar choices with their overall lifestyle as well,” she elaborates. APPAREL I June 2019 I 93