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IMA COMMITTEES' YEAR-IN-REVIEW By the numbers, in the past year, the IMA: • Posted 212 times on the Minnesota Iron Facebook page, 132 times on the Minnesota Iron Twitter page, and 49 times on the imagineLiFewithoutiron Instagram page – the most popular of all these posts reached 4,816 people • Posted 112 times on the IMA Facebook page, 80 times on the IMA Twitter page, and 69 times on the IMA LinkedIn page – the most popular of all these posts reached 2,755 people • Sent 21 press releases on association and industry news • Presented in front of audiences ranging in size from 10-2,000 people at international, national, state, and local events a record 50 times, including media events with similar scope. • Participated in more than 35 community events throughout the state. Looking forward to 2019, IMA hopes to build a consistent dialogue with this important regulator and our regulated parties. WORKFORCE & EDUCATION COMMITTEE In 2017, Matt Thibodeau (Thibodeau, Feriancek & Johnson) volunteered as IMA Workforce & Education Committee Chair. Under his new direction, the committee took time to regroup and refocus its efforts. The committee decided to focus it’s efforts to bring other workforce development groups to the table to find the best ways to bolster overall efforts. In 2019, IMA hopes to continue our “imagine LiFe without iron” on a statewide level at the MSHSL State Tournaments and the State Fair. Some other efforts will be pared back as we plan to partner with a yet-to-be-selected public affairs company to better educate the public on the wild rice sulfate issue. SAFETY & HEALTH COMMITTEE Much of the groundwork for 2018’s IMA Safety & Health Committee issues was laid in 2017. In September 2017, MSHA announced proposed changes to its workplace examination rule and changed its interpretation in new miner certification, requiring a site tour by an MSHA approved instructor. In early 2018, longtime committee chair Karla McKenzie (ArcelorMittal Minorca Mine) retired, and Bryan Baird (United Taconite) stepped in as the new committee chair to continue work on the workplace exam rule. This work included opening the committee meeting to the entire IMA membership for a question and answer session with Richard Boeckermann, supervisor of the Hibbing MSHA office. Members found the meeting helpful, and IMA will give updates to any pertinent rule changes as needed. That goal began to come to fruition in Fall 2018 when MNSCU Director of Talent Development Roy Smith and NHED President Bill Maki attended a committee meeting – which was opened up to the entire IMA membership – to give an update on the Applied Learning Institute as well as mining- related programs at NHED colleges. The Applied Learning Institute brings industrial tech and shop classes back to high schools in the region, and Hibbing Community College & Mesabi Range Community College have the most mining- 2018-2019 Directory | 21