Small pavers tend to be easier to op-
erate, maintain and transport than full
size pavers.
“The key advantage to using a small
paver is that small pavers are usually
used on jobs that would’ve otherwise
being done by hand,” stated Shane A.
Sommers, sales consultant, with Hitek
Equipment, Inc., Kenosha, Wis. “A
small paver will provide a consistent lift
which results in a better finish while do-
ing it faster than a crew shoveling in the
asphalt and raking it out could. That
means a crew can do more in less time
while also greatly reducing the amount
of physical labor involved.”
According to Sal Rizzo, president of
Salsco, Inc., Cheshire, Conn., the key
features of small asphalt pavers that
make them so useful are their “size and
simplicity. Plus, there are many jobs
that the large machines cannot do, so
the companies end up doing these jobs
by hand. As everyone knows, labor is
difficult to find, so having a small ma-
chine is a very big advantage.”
In today’s world, there can be a wide
range of applications for use of a com-
mercial-class, small-sized asphalt paver.
“From any paving widths of really one-
foot up to 15-feet or wider with bolt on
extensions, these small machines can
cover a lot of different job sizes, shapes,
obstacles and height requirements that
many commercial and residential work
sites bring to contractors,” said Bryce
L. Davis, general sales manager, North
America, LeeBoy, Lincolnton, N.C.
“What are the best types of projects for
a small asphalt paver? Our most pop-
ular size machine we offer can be used
in any of the following applications,
parking lots, roadways, utility cuts and
repairs, patchwork, driveways and even
on some of the biggest highway job sites
now as a cleanup paver, where it can
pave turn lanes, medians, edgework,
shoulders, etc. This frees up the main-
line paver to keep paving the highway
and not stopping or slowing down its
overall production pace.”
Davis continued and described ROI
advantages of small pavers, which ac-
cording to him “has to include their
job-site maneuverability for the con-
tractors and that the machines are pur-
posefully designed to be easy to operate
and maintain. Our design has made it
easier for the customer to use less overall
labor in a paving operation, which can
add up to a better ROI.”
Versatility appears to be a common
adjective used in describing the value of
the small asphalt paver.
“Versatility is key,” stated Nigel McK-
ay, sales manager, Weiler Products,
Knoxville, Iowa. “I like to say that best
type of projects for our small paver are
going to be whatever the project is at
“Paving alleyways with inverted
crowns to allow drainage in large cities
is an example of a typical application.
We have also seen our pavers used for
paving under car ports in tight applica-
tions. These units can then be moved
into large parking lot sites, city streets,
shoulders on highways and interstates.
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