Small commercial pavers are segmented
into subcategories based upon the paving
application for which the paver is primar-
ily designed. The subcategories are:
• Residential – machines that are typical-
ly 50HP or less. Asphalt is delivered to
the screed by gravity using a hydraulically
raised material hopper. Screeds are typ-
ically 8-yards base width, extendable to
12- or 13-yards with lower weights.
• Residential/Commercial Crossover –
these machines are 50-75HP. Asphalt
is delivered to the screed by powered
feeding conveyors. Screeds are typically
8-yards base width, extendable to 13- or
14-yards with heavier weights.
• Commercial – these machines are usu-
ally 90-120HP. Asphalt is delivered to
the screed by powered feeding conveyors.
Screeds are typically 8-yards base width,
extendable to 15- or 16-yards with the
heaviest screed weights.
Besides sheer size differences, there are
some clear characteristics where small
pavers differ from larger machines.
“These small machines can cover a lot
of different job sizes, shapes, obstacles
and height requirements that many com-
mercial and residential work sites bring
to contractors” stated Bryce L. Davis,
general sales manager, North America,
LeeBoy, Lincolnton, N.C. “Small pavers
can be used on parking lots, roadways,
utility cuts and repairs, patchwork, drive-
ways and even on some of the biggest
highway job sites now as a cleanup pav-
er--doing the turn lanes, medians, edge-
work, shoulders etc., which frees up the
mainline paver to keep paving the high-
way and not stopping or slowing down
its overall production.”
Small asphalt pavers are versatile work-
“Small pavers are the Swiss Army knife
of construction equipment, providing
contractors a highly versatile platform
that can complete a wide range of pav-
ing applications,” said Travis Colwell,
marketing and communications coor-
dinator with Carlson Paving Products,
Tacoma, Wash. “The degree of versatility
does depend on the platform, and within
the ‘small paver class’ you have a num-
ber of subcategories including residential,
pathway and commercial. For residential
pavers, typically gravity fed platforms,
these machines excel on driveways and
other residential applications in and up
to small parking lots. Likewise, pathway
pavers are ideal for narrow width paving
such as cart paths, alley paving and utility
Colwell continued, “Commercial pav-
ers, the most popular models within the
small paver class, are the most versatile
platforms with the ability to complete
residential to commercial paving proj-
ects, and even reach into municipal and
county work, such as street maintenance
and road repair. These platforms range
from 64hp up to 130hp and come in
a variety of sizes and configurations to
meet the diverse needs of contractors in
North America.”
For Dealer Opportunities in Select Areas Contact
Matt Snyder 717-514-0339.
May 2020