Crack sealing is a significant part of pavement maintenance . “ The first steps to crack sealing is to do a visual inspection of the pavement to identify the cracks that need to be repaired ,” stated Jenn Brasher , equipment sales and marketing manager with Marathon Equipment , Burlington , Ontario , Canada . “ Measure the width , depth and length of the cracks to determine the appropriate materials and techniques for the repair . If you can determine the underlying causes of the cracks , such as water infiltration or structural issues , this can help in selecting the proper material and method of repair .” Ben Thielbar , director of sales , Cimline Pavement Maintenance Group , Plymouth , Minnesota asked when a contractor considers crack sealing : “ Are you routing or not ? If you are routing , the first step should be to identify working cracks , which are cracks that have movement and expansion , versus non-working cracks , which are cracks that generally run longitudinal down the road and are not classified as working cracks .
• Heavy-duty , fully insulated hot asphalt hauler with hydraulic scissor hoist for superior stability when dumping asphalt .
• Oil-jacketed hopper units produce even heat distribution throughout the whole hopper so that asphalt doesn ’ t burn .
• Fuel efficient diesel fired burner with automatic temperature control system , maintains the material temperature for your crew .
FEATURES ON ALL MODELS Polyhedral material vat with all walls channelling material towards unloading gate . Directional LED arrow board . Green strobe light indicator for diesel burner temperature system . 8-gallon tool rinse tank for tools . 4 pc tool rack for transportation and storage . 3-gallon release agent spray bottle and holder .
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[ 15 ] April 2024