APE APE September 2019 | Page 14

MARKETING MATTERS Google may correlate your website with your services, but odds are good it doesn’t think you’re a website is dedicat- ed to listing jobs. So when people search for paving jobs, they won’t be directed to your website. They’ll be directed to one of the national players like: Glass- door, SimplyHired, ZipRecruiter, and Indeed. Plus, Google gives priority to job boards, pulling listings from them for display at the top of search results. Do your homework to make each job posting count. The algorithm for the job boards works a lot like a search en- gine. Make sure the name of your job and the description are detailed, and list required skills. This helps people find your job when searching. Share expected pay range. Remember, HR, is a sales process re- cruiting people to come and work for your company. Give candidates what they need to make a buying decision. You wouldn’t buy a car without know- ing how much it costs, and less people will apply for a job without knowing how much they’ll make. 7. Budget to place ads. Job boards emulate search engines in more ways than one. If you want lots of exposure, you may need to pay for it. Take advantage of job board search algorithm capitalistic favoritism to pay- ing advertisers, especially when trying to fill a position quickly. Approach online hiring like online dating. The goal is to find the best way to con- nect with the most qualified people, right? Take another look at your message. Make sure it resonates with candidates and tells the story of your company. Post your message not just on your website but also on social media and job boards, consider paying to promote your jobs and make it easy to apply. Monica Pitts is the founder and Chief Creative Officer of MayeCreate Design. She spends her days constructing a marriage of form and function; creating art with her design team to grow businesses through websites and online marketing. Monica considers herself an artist, marketer and web dork with the ability to speak geek and English. For More Information On This Advertiser Please Visit www.CallAPE.com/e-inquiry www.callape.com [14] 1.800.210.5923