Aparté No 2 | Page 55

68 % of the world ’ s population will be living in cities by 2050 .
An expert in the circular economy
The circular economy facilitates sharing , reuse , repair , and recycling of products to extend their life . This helps to reduce the creation of waste and the exploitation of raw materials .
A green architect
As the world ’ s population grows , so does the need for new buildings . An eco-friendly architect therefore has a crucial role to play in the fight against climate change . They seek to reduce a building ’ s impact on the environment , from construction to end use . There are a number of ways this can be achieved , including using recycled or environmentally-friendly materials , making economical use of space , and adopting the principles of bioclimatic architecture .
Moving towards a circular economy means rethinking our relationship with resources and our production and consumption habits . To do this , businesses and governments need the support of specialists . Circular economy experts create innovative solutions – new ways to design more sustainable products , reuse waste and encourage good consumer practices . An absolutely essential role !
An ethical voice for new technologies
In the age of artificial intelligence , responsible tech is no longer a PR exercise , but a real social issue . In fact , just like tech giants , start-ups dedicated to responsible technologies need ethics professionals on board .
An ethicist studies the legal , social and – inevitably – ethical implications of developing new technologies such as AI . The tasks associated with this role vary from one organisation to another , but you ’ ll definitely need a good grasp of current legal frameworks , knowledge of philosophy , and an in-depth understanding of the tech industry . A less obvious requirement is a great deal of resilience ... Ethics professionals sometimes find it hard to make their voices heard , particularly within companies for whom technological progress , rather than people , is the priority .
Bioclimatic architecture takes advantage of the local climate and natural resources to reduce a building ’ s dependence on polluting sources of energy ( particularly for heating and cooling , which consume a lot of energy ). Since climate change is accompanied by an increase in the number of natural disasters , emergency architecture is also a profession that promises to be in high demand in the future . Take note !
An urban agriculture specialist
According to the United Nations ’ estimates , 68 % of the world ’ s population will be living in cities by 2050 . This trend , combined with the challenge of food security , calls for the development of farming techniques adapted to the urban environment .
So what does an urban farmer do ? Working as part of a start-up or association , or employed by local government , they install “ green ” roofs , community gardens , and vertical farms . Considering the demands of installation , which requires very little space ( a roof , a garage , a warehouse , etc .), and the reduced carbon footprint , due to the proximity of the consumer , urban agriculture is a sustainable method of production . It ’ s also an excellent way to bring well-being to city dwellers !