AP Psychologoy Personality | Page 7

Dear Freudian Slip, It's my senior year in high school and I have been having some issues with being shy. I'm not shy on purpose and it pains me everytime my shyness has affected my daily activities and I'm left full of regret. I fear that when I'm officially on my own I won't be able to effectively buy a house, car, or other necessary things of life. School has not prepared me for these circumstances and neither have my parents. How would I alleviate my shyness so I can officially call myself an adult? Sincerely, ShyShamrock12

ShyShamrock12, Some people are shy and some are not. Even the people who may not seem like they are very likely could be but they don't show it. So how could you stop being shy? First off you'll need to dial down your anxiety. Try stepping out of character once in a while. I don't mean completely out of order, just little things. Try wearing mismatched socks or wear your hair differently. At first it will seem like attentions is on you but you'll soon realise that it isn't so bad. A really great excercise is to go to a busy store or mall at a busy time of day. At first you may want a less busy day. Go up to strangers and simply aske them what time it is. Some may ignore but only a small percentage. Honestly if they do ignore you you could easily emotioanlly survive being ignored by a stranger. You may even try something like taking a big jar of coins to the mall and dropping it on the floor in front of everybody. You will find that the anxiety is just silly and people may even help you pick up your coins. Try and start a conversation with these people. Eventually you'll be doing bigger and better tasks. Your Friend, Freudian Slip

Come out of your shell!

By Joey Piparo